Sometimes, generated PDF documents need to have a particular version number before they can be processed in a workflow. That can be tested with the following methods:
// Simple tests: .hasVersion().matching(..) // Tests for version ranges: .hasVersion().greaterThan(..) .hasVersion().lessThan(..)
For popular PDF versions constants can be used:
// Constants for PDF versions: com.pdfunit.Constants.PDFVERSION_11 com.pdfunit.Constants.PDFVERSION_12 com.pdfunit.Constants.PDFVERSION_13 com.pdfunit.Constants.PDFVERSION_14 com.pdfunit.Constants.PDFVERSION_15 com.pdfunit.Constants.PDFVERSION_16 com.pdfunit.Constants.PDFVERSION_17
Here an example to check for version “1.4”
@Test public void hasVersion_v14() throws Exception { String filename = "documentUnderTest.pdf"; AssertThat.document(filename) .hasVersion() .matching(PDFVERSION_14) ; }
The existing constants can be used to verify version ranges:
@Test public void hasVersion_GreaterThanLessThan() throws Exception { String filename = "documentUnderTest.pdf"; AssertThat.document(filename) .hasVersion() .greaterThan(PDFVERSION_13).lessThan(PDFVERSION_17)
; }
Also, upcoming versions can be tested. The expected version must be given as a string of the format "%1.1f".
@Test public void hasVersion_LessThanFutureVersion() throws Exception { String filename = "documentUnderTest.pdf"; PDFVersion futureVersion = PDFVersion.withValue("2.0"); AssertThat.document(filename) .hasVersion() .lessThan(futureVersion) ; }