Not only the number of pages can be a test goal, also any kind of countable items in a PDF document, e.g. form fields and bookmarks. The following list shows the items that are countable and therefore testable:
// Test counting parts of a PDF: .hasNumberOfActions(..) .hasNumberOfBookmarks(..) .hasNumberOfDifferentImages(..).hasNumberOfEmbeddedFiles(..) .hasNumberOfFields(..) .hasNumberOfFonts(..) .hasNumberOfLayers(..) .hasNumberOfOCGs(..) .hasNumberOfPages(..)
.hasNumberOfSignatures(..) .hasNumberOfVisibleImages(..)
Tests for the number of images are described in chapter 3.16: “Images in PDF Documents”. |
Tests for the number of pages are described in chapter 3.23: “Page Numbers as Objectives”. |
Validating the number of items in PDF documents works identically for all items. So, only two of them are shown as examples:
@Test public void hasNumberOfFields() throws Exception { String filename = "documentUnderTest.pdf"; AssertThat.document(filename) .hasNumberOfFields(4) ; }
@Test public void hasNumberOfBookmarks() throws Exception { String filename = "documentUnderTest.pdf"; AssertThat.document(filename) .hasNumberOfBookmarks(19) ; }
All tests can be concatenated:
@Test public void testHugeDocument_MultipleInvocation() throws Exception { String filename = "documentUnderTest.pdf"; AssertThat.document(filename) .hasNumberOfPages(1370) .hasNumberOfBookmarks(565) .hasNumberOfActions(4814) .hasNumberOfEmbeddedFiles(0) ; }
Fortunately, this test takes only 2.5 seconds for a document with 1370 pages on a contemporary notebook.