It is sometimes useful to check if a generated PDF document has exactly one page. Or maybe you want to ensure that a document has less than 6 pages, because otherwise you have to pay higher postage. PDFUnit provides suitable test methods:
// Method for tests with pages:
You can check the number of pages like this:
@Test public void hasNumberOfPages() throws Exception { String filename = "documentUnderTest.pdf"; AssertThat.document(filename) .hasNumberOfPages(1) ; }
Tests are also possible with a minimum or maximum number of pages.
@Test public void hasLessPagesThan() throws Exception { String filename = "documentUnderTest.pdf"; int upperLimitExclusive = 6; // The document has 5 pages AssertThat.document(filename) .hasLessPagesThan(upperLimitExclusive); }
@Test public void hasMorePagesThan() throws Exception { String filename = "documentUnderTest.pdf"; int lowerLimitExclusive = 2; // The document has 5 pages AssertThat.document(filename) .hasMorePagesThan(lowerLimitExclusive); }
Of course methods can be concatenated:
@Test public void hasNumberOfPages_InRange() throws Exception { String filename = "documentUnderTest.pdf"; // The current document has 5 pages int lowerLimit_2 = 2; // the limit is exclusive int upperLimit_8 = 8; // the limit is exclusive AssertThat.document(filename) .hasMorePagesThan(lowerLimit_2) .hasLessPagesThan(upperLimit_8) ; }
Don't omit tests with page numbers just because you might think they are too simple. Experience shows that you can find errors in the context of a primitive test that you would not have found without the test.