For such tests almost all test methods are available, which exist for tests with a single PDF document. The following list shows the available methods. Links refer to the description of each test.
// Methods to validate a set of PDF documents: .compliesWith() .constraints(..) 3.10: “Excel Files for Validation Constraints” .din5008FormA() 3.8: “DIN 5008” .din5008FormB() 3.8: “DIN 5008” .pdfStandard() 3.25: “PDF/A” .zugferdSpecification(..) 3.39: “ZUGFeRD” .containsOneImageOf(..) 3.16: “Images in PDF Documents” .hasAuthor() 3.9: “Document Properties” .hasBookmark() 3.5: “Bookmarks and Named Destinations” .hasBookmarks() 3.5: “Bookmarks and Named Destinations” .hasEncryptionLength(..) 3.24: “Passwords” .hasField(..) 3.13: “Form Fields” .hasFields() 3.13: “Form Fields” .hasFont() 3.12: “Fonts” .hasFonts() 3.12: “Fonts” .hasFormat(..) 3.15: “Format” .hasImage() 3.16: “Images in PDF Documents” .withBarcode() 3.4: “Bar Code” .withQRcode() 3.27: “QR Code” .hasJavaScript() 3.17: “JavaScript” .hasKeywords() 3.9: “Document Properties” .hasLanguageInfo(..) 3.18: “Language” .hasNoAuthor() 3.9: “Document Properties” .hasNoImage() 3.16: “Images in PDF Documents” .hasNoKeywords() 3.9: “Document Properties” .hasNoLanguageInfo() 3.18: “Language” .hasNoProperty() 3.9: “Document Properties” .hasNoSubject() 3.9: “Document Properties” .hasNoText() 3.30: “Text” .hasNoTitle() 3.9: “Document Properties” .hasNoXFAData() 3.37: “XFA Data” .hasNoXMPData() 3.38: “XMP Data” .hasNumberOf...() 3.22: “Number of PDF Elements” .hasOwnerPassword(..) 3.24: “Passwords” .hasPermission() 3.26: “Permissions” .hasProperty(..) 3.9: “Document Properties” .hasSignatureField(..) 3.28: “Signed PDF” .hasSignatureFields() 3.28: “Signed PDF” .hasSubject() 3.9: “Document Properties” .hasText(..) 3.30: “Text” .hasTitle() 3.9: “Document Properties” .hasUserPassword(..) 3.24: “Passwords” .hasVersion() 3.36: “Version Info” .hasXFAData() 3.37: “XFA Data” .hasXMPData() 3.38: “XMP Data” .hasZugferdData() 3.39: “ZUGFeRD” .isCertified() 3.6: “Certified PDF” .isCertifiedFor(..) 3.6: “Certified PDF” .isLinearizedForFastWebView() 3.11: “Fast Web View” .isSigned() 3.28: “Signed PDF” .isSignedBy(..) 3.28: “Signed PDF” .isTagged() 3.29: “Tagged Documents” .passedFilter(..) 5.3: “Validate all documents in a folder”
A test with multiple documents or folders stops at the first detected error.
The next two chapters show tests using multiple documents and a folder.